It was 6am Saturday morning, and my younger son had an all day track meet. He ate a quick breakfast, and threw a few Gatorades and a couple of Cliff bars into a bag. But before walking out the door, he walked into our guest bedroom.
My in-laws were in town for the weekend and my son wanted to tell his Appacha (grandfather) goodbye. My son saw that he was sleeping, so he gently touched his hand and whispered, “Appacha, I’m leaving.”
As immediate as his next breath, Appacha took hold of his grandson’s hand and began to pray in his native language, Malayalam. My son didn’t understand it all, but he knew his Appacha was talking to Jesus on his behalf…asking God to strengthen, protect and guide Him.
The next morning, my son laughed as he told me about it, “Wow, Appacha can go into prayer mode just like that. Even in his sleep. One second he’s snoring, the next second, he’s praying. He’s always ready.”
As soon as he told me this, I thought about the song we had been listening to all week, “Talkin to Jesus.”
If you haven’t heard it yet, you’ve got to hear it! (Click on the link below) ??
Jesus tells us in Matthew 6:33, “Seek FIRST his kingdom and his righteousness, and ALL these things will be given to you as well.”
Friends, we all have a race to run. It may not be a literal race like my son had that day, but nevertheless, it’s a “race.” (Hebrews 12:1) Each day is filled with expected relays and unexpected high jumps and hurdles.
We can do a lot of things to prepare for our day, but NOTHING has a greater return on investment than the time we spend in prayer. NOTHING.
So before we open our emails, check our social media accounts and begin our work day…let’s take a detour into our prayer closet. Grab the hand of your Heavenly Father, and before you can get a word out, He will take a hold of your hand too. He’s always ready!
“But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” (Matthew 6:6)