Everything’s bigger in Texas, including college rings. Just ask my nephew, Josh who just got his.
Students at Texas A&M University, (typically juniors & seniors), who have finished a certain number of hours, are eligible to purchase their Aggie ring. But it isn’t just dropped off on the porch along with their Amazon purchases. This ring has its own day in College Station called Ring Day.
People come from all over to celebrate. Once the designated time comes, the student, along with their crew of family & friends, walk together to pick up this infamous ring. Then, someone specifically chosen by the student, puts the ring on their finger. Josh, chose his dad to do the honors, as we all cheered around him.
The weekend was full of traditions and fun, and all of that was great. But one of the more meaningful times happened as we were eating lunch together with some of the remaining family & friends.
As we all sat around eating tacos, my sister, Binu (Josh’s mom), did something only a mom could do. She said, “Does anyone want to say anything about my Joshie?” She was greeted with a quick “Mama – nooooo” by her sons. But it didn’t take long for one of Josh’s friends to actually indulge her. One by one, these young men went around the table and shared how Josh has influenced their life. There were some funny stories, but also some of the most thoughtful sentiments I’ve ever heard spoken about someone.
While I am sure Josh will never forget the weekend he got his ring, I pray he never forgets what the people said about him that day. College guys aren’t typically so forthcoming with their emotions and feelings, so I’m glad that my sister started that conversation … and I’m glad they shared.
Romans is notably one of the most doctrinally influential books in all of scripture. That’s why Romans 16, the final chapter in the book, may catch you by surprise. Paul spends more than half the chapter acknowledging the people who helped him along the way. He starts off with a woman named Phebe and goes on to list more women, men, ministry workers, heads of households, slaves, and apostles.
If God saw it fit to include a list of shout-outs in the valuable real estate of scripture, I’m thinking it’s a pretty big deal to Him too.
Oftentimes, we will think something nice about someone, but never say it. Why do we wait for big occasions or somber services to tell people how we feel about them?
In another concluding chapter of one of his letters, Paul says how a certain group of men “ refreshed my spirit as well as yours. Give recognition to such people.” (1 Corinthians 16:18)
I present to you the “Romans 16 Challenge”, based on the various people Paul acknowledged (see pic ). Who is the first person who comes to mind when you read the following statements? Write their name down then take a minute to reach out to them. Just a text, call or email is all it takes!
It may not be all of the fanfare of Ring Day, but I bet they won’t forget it.
~ Anu