Fun fact about me: I LOVE Christmas! Seriously, I think Buddy the Elf and I have some major competition when it comes to Christmas cheer.
Every year, a month prior to Christmas, a complete spreadsheet comes together. There are lists for Christmas cards, gifts, movies, parties, and of course, planning our annual Christmas breakfast.
This year was no exception, especially to make up for 2020:
So many plans.
So many expectations.
Except that … the plans have been canceled and there have been so many disappointments instead.
Sadly, last week my family was hit with Covid. One by one, each of us has been affected.
But we have all remained healthy and well by God’s grace. Ultimately, I know that’s what I have to be most thankful for and I truly am grateful.
But I want to be honest.
I couldn’t wait to celebrate with friends at each party. I was looking forward to seeing the smiles on my nieces’ and nephews’ faces as we delivered presents. I was excited beyond belief to whip up my favorite breakfast items and host my family on Christmas morning.
So I may have shed a tear or two.
I may have even entertained a few angry thoughts.
Then, I was literally flooded with an incredible outpouring of love. My family has been ministered to by family and friends through their genuine concern, prayers, and meals and my heart has just been full.
So as we are all on the road to recovery, we have decided to make the best of this situation. We officially began our Christmas movie marathon last night as a family. The five of us plan to make breakfast for Christmas morning and open our presents together.
Likewise, I imagine when Joseph was betrothed to Mary, he had grand plans and expectations for their future as husband and wife. How disheartened he must have been when he learned Mary was pregnant, so much so that he planned to quietly divorce her. But after the angel of the Lord ministered to him, Joseph obeyed the Lord by being a committed husband to Mary and an earthly father to Jesus. (Matthew 1:18-25)
Dear Friend, we all have our plans and expectations. But there are times those plans go awry and we are left disappointed. What will be the posture of our hearts during such times?
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (MSG) reminds us: “Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live.”
I pray that your Christmas would be memorable and time well spent with loved ones!