I’m sure I looked like such a newbie, but I couldn’t help myself.
We were on our way to California to visit my husband’s sister. We arrived at the airport early, passed through security, and still had a good two hours till our early morning flight.
“Do you want to wait in the Admirals lounge?” My husband asked me.
“Sure, will there be food?”
My husband laughed. “Yeah, there should be.”
When I walked into the Admirals lounge, my jaw dropped in amazement. I couldn’t help myself. I had just entered a whole new world. Everyone in the room was working on their laptops or quietly doing their thing. Not me. I was soaking it all in.
This place was clean, spacious… and you’d think I’d never seen food before. I was so excited!
I started off with some bacon and a bowl of oatmeal. Then I went back for a muffin (and maybe a little more bacon), then I went back again for a little “to go” snack. A girls gotta have something to eat on the airplane, right?
My husband travels quite a bit for work, so I knew he had access to the “Admirals lounge”….but that morning, I discovered, I had access to it too! Now THIS is traveling! 🤩
That’s when I drew the parallel.
For years, I believed certain people had certain privileges. You know, secret access to God’s richest blessings. Ladies and gentlemen, I have an announcement to make! We ALL have access to everything God has to offer! I loved hearing about the revivals which began a few weeks ago…but God has been reminding me that I have access to that same sweet and powerful spirit of God!
I don’t need to accrue enough “mileage” or “points” on a credit card, the access code is simple- all I have to do is “enter His gates with thanksgiving in my heart and enter His courts with praise!” That’s all it takes to have access to THIS whole new world. Romans 8:11 reminds us “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in ME.”
In her book, “Get out of Your head,” Jennie Allen says it this way, “You, as a believer, are a citizen of another reality. Let’s learn to think like it.”
So friends, if you find yourself in a place of worry, fear or stress…I want to encourage you today.
The admiral’s lounge I walked into that morning might have been a nice (and fancy) little haven in the middle of a very busy DFW airport. But if you and I are walking in relationship with Christ, we have access to something even GREATER!
What’s better than free bagels, a breakfast taco or fresh fruit???
•The bread of God’s Word. Nothing is more satisfying to my soul.
•The fruit of His spirit. Anyone else in need of a little patience or self control?
•A peace that passes all understanding!
Friends, now THIS is how we were meant to live!
“You, as a believer, are a citizen of another reality. Let’s learn to think like it.”
~ binu