This is me, walking down the aisle toward something that was uncertain.
I mean, I had never been married before. In fact, I had just really gotten to know the man at the end of the aisle for less than a year. And I was about to make a life-long commitment. It felt a little surreal.
But, along the way, there were so many peaceful confirmations from God that I was doing the right thing.
On our very first date, he took me out for dessert to a quaint little gallery after dinner to choose anything I wanted. My eyes zoned in on the chocolatest chocolate cake there ever was, with chocolate frosting in the middle. He chose his.
We sat down, and as we were chatting, an enormous bluish-green housefly flew in and settled himself right there on the center of my chocolatey goodness. Despite the efforts of my date in shooing it away, the fly didn’t budge.
Embarrassed, I told him, it’s not a big deal. But, to him it was. He boldly picked up by plate and took it back to the waiter and got me a new one.
Alright, so it wasn’t an earth-shattering, mind-blowing show of affection. But, it showed me something simple. That he cared.
Years later, I can attest to countless ways he’s shown me how much he cares.
In the last few weeks, we have all been walking down this aisle toward something unknown. Unsettling economy, financial instability, is it safe to walk outside?, how do I make my own sanitizer?
But, when we think about it, we realize that there have been signs all along our lives that have shown God has never turned His back… and He cares.
We were never forgotten, even in the darkest of nights. We were held and molded into the Bride we were meant to be.
In his book, No Wonder They Call Him the Savior, Pastor Max Lucado says, “In God’s book man is heading somewhere…we are preparing to walk down the church aisle and become the bride of Jesus. We are going to live with him. Share the throne with him…”
So maybe an expert can predict what the economy will look like in 2 months. We’ll find out. But, what can I count on?
That when I walk a path of uncertainty, I can trust in what God has already done for me and in the promise that He is holding my future.
Keep your eyes ahead. Don’t look to the right or left where the distractions lie. There is a God standing to receive His bride, and in many ways, what we are walking through is shaping us to be more resilient and beautiful, if we just keep our eyes on Him.
“Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready.” Revelation 19:7