When I was a freshman in college, my friend and I discovered a little chapel on campus. It was a beautiful glass building with wooden pews, red carpet and a piano to the side of the stage. It even had this particular smell.
After exams, that chapel was our haven-a little getaway before we started studying for the next exam.
We’d go there, find a spot several pews away from one another, talk to Jesus, then come back together, and before heading to the library, we’d sing THIS song.
“I love you Lord, and I lift my voice to worship you, oh my soul, rejoice. Take joy my king, in what you hear. Let it be a sweet sweet sound, in Your ear.”
I’m not much of a singer, but THOSE simple words, echoing in that little chapel!!! It was a taste of Heaven.
This week, my son introduced me to Gateway’s cover of that same song. And oh, how it took me back. I could literally smell that chapel again.
A lot has changed in my life since those college days. Grown up stress has replaced college stress. But one thing hasn’t changed- when I begin to worship, God’s sweet presence still shows up…it’s a taste of Heaven.
He is so faithful.
Take a listen. I KNOW you will be blessed! ??
Psalm 22:3 “ But you are holy, You who inhabit the praises of Israel.”