Some people are natural givers. I’m not one of those people. I am a natural saver. My husband, on the other hand is one of those people. He is a natural giver, but he is also a natural spender.
So, as one might expect, our first few years of marriage were interesting. My husband wanted to give/spend, I wanted to not give/save. It was a constant tug of war. But after a few years, with the help of our financial advisor (who also served as our marriage counselor), I thought we were doing pretty good. We tithed, we gave to missions. We even saved a little. What else was there?
What more could God want?
One day, my husband and I received a small but unexpected check from someone who had owed us money (money that we both had actually forgotten about). I was excited, unexpected money is always nice. I couldn’t wait to put it in savings. My husband was happy too. But he had something else in mind.
My husband: “Hey, would you be okay if we gave that money to —— ministry.”
Me: “Really?” (Spoken with a slight attitude)
My husband: “Oh, okay..no problem. We don’t have to.”
I thought I won that game of tug of war, but I didn’t. Within one week, lightning literally struck our home. Thankfully, no one was hurt and the damage wasn’t too bad…but that unexpected check now went towards unexpected home repairs. Some may call it a coincidence…but I knew better. I’m no dummy.
God used lightning to transform my heart.
In Exodus 25, God gave Moses very specific instructions concerning the construction of the tabernacle. Instruction #1 Take up an offering.
Exodus 25:2 “Tell the Israelites to bring me an offering. You are to receive the offering for me from each man whose heart prompts him to give.”
God had just delivered these people from slavery, parted the Red Sea, given them food to eat and water to drink. It was time for a heart check.
God wanted the same from me.
He had delivered me from who knows what and provided an endless supply of everything to meet my every need. It was time for a heart check.
Don’t get me wrong, I believe God wants us to be wise stewards of every penny He has given to us. He wants us to save, but He also wants us to give. Give generously and give extravagantly. Give, not out of compulsion, but out of an overflowing heart filled with gratitude. God doesn’t long for my money, He longs for my heart. According to Matthew 6:21, the two go hand in hand.
“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
So, What more did God want? He wanted to transform my heart.