I guess you could say that our family loves celebrating Christmas. The day right after Thanksgiving, the Christmas tree goes up and Christmas music is blaring throughout the house every single day. In the midst of shopping and wrapping gifts, my oldest daughter Kayla shared some beautiful thoughts with me. I was so touched by what God put on her heart that I asked her if I could share it with you today. I hope you are blessed by it as much as I am and that you are grateful for the greatest Gift of all to us: Jesus.
The other day, as I was washing the dishes, Christmas music was playing in the background. Having heard the same album endless times, the words often went in one ear and out the other. But this time, as “Away in a Manger” was playing, I started listening to the words and I heard the line: “But little Lord Jesus, No crying He makes.” All of a sudden, I was hit with an unbelievable revelation.
Why wasn’t this baby crying? Was it because this was the perfect Son of God! I became overwhelmed by this unimaginable sacrifice that Jesus Christ made: demoting Himself to the lowest of lows, becoming a human … and as a baby … born in a manger! For over 30 years, He lived among mere mortals! My mind immediately asked, “But why?” Why would Jesus, this being of absolute perfection, come to the earth to live among imperfect people and die for their sins? Why did we even deserve such a sacrifice?
The fact is that we don’t deserve this gift. The only reason Jesus came to the earth and died to pay for the worst sins of all mankind was that of His immeasurable love for us. There really are no words to explain how unbelievable this is to me. We were created to have a personal relationship with Him, something that none of His other creations have. As John 3:16 says, God sent His Son- His only Son, His blameless Son, His perfect Son- to die for our sins and give us eternal life.
Jesus Christ came to the earth through an imperfect woman, was raised by imperfect parents, and was surrounded by imperfect people. He knew that no matter what, He would do whatever it takes for us to have a relationship with God.
Even in my imperfections and my flaws, God cared so much about me and my tiny dreams that He allowed His Son to die for me. Wow! And you know what? God cares just as much for you! He cares so much that He allowed His Son to become a child and grow up among men so we could know Him as our Lord and Savior. What’s not to be thankful for and celebrate?