If there is anyone in this world who enjoys being at home, it’s me…but my son comes in for a very close second place. (If you look up homebody in the dictionary, you might even see our picture).
So when it came time for him to decide on a college to attend, my husband and I were VERY surprised that he chose a school away from home.
Yes, I encouraged him to explore ALL options (even schools away from home), but I didn’t actually think he would select one of those schools.
Everything in me wanted to change my son’s mind and convince him that staying at home would be a better option…but every time I tried, I literally heard God say, “Letting go is as much about you growing as it is about him growing.”
In Genesis 12, God tells Abram- “Go, leave your country, your people, your father’s household.” I bet you know the story. Abraham obeyed and one step led to another step which led to another step. It was the making of Abraham.
Twenty five chapters later, Abraham’s great grandson, Joseph, leaves the land of his forefathers (this time it was by force). Joseph goes from a pit to a palace (and a lot of places in between). It was the making of Joseph.
In Exodus chapter 3, Moses left the comfort of his father in law’s land and accepted the challenge of delivering His people out of slavery. It was the making of Moses.
So many examples fill our Bible..
God asks both men and women to step out of the known, the easy and the comfortable into the unknown, the uneasy and the uncomfortable.
Whatever tug of war is going on in your heart today…’to go’ or ‘to let go’…I believe God has growth in store for all of us. My prayer is that we would simply submit to His voice and obey.
“Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.” Isaiah 30:21
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Just Inspired Visuals