I used to be a mean girl.
If you don’t believe me, just ask my sister, who found the perfect opportunity to share some examples at my recent birthday celebration.
Unfortunately, growing up, she experienced the brunt of my bossy attitude more than anyone else, and somehow (fortunately), it went under my parents’ radar.
Some people are mean and don’t know it.
I knew it. And I wanted to change.
So, in the weeks before moving away to college, I made a decision to strive to be a different person- kinder and sweeter. I didn’t like who I had become. And starting fresh in a new city seemed like the best chance to practice being that new person. People there didn’t know my past, and I could be whoever I wanted to be.
The college mail center was a place I would walk to with anticipation most days. There, we would receive our snail mail…remember that? Envelopes with stamps and our name on it?
I would get excited to see my box was full, and most weeks, I was fortunate to get letters from mom. Along with her personal notes, she would attach inspirational messages from Norman Vincent Peale, author of The Power of Positive Thinking and an American minister.
Little did Mom know, but Peale’s teachings would have a profound impact as I transitioned into this better version of me. What I came to realize is that when I change my thought life to a positive one, believe in myself, and be optimistic, it could really change my outlook.
The Bible says the same thing!
“Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Colossians 3:2 (ESV)
“…whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” Philippians 4:8 (ESV)
My Bible reading just this morning mentioned that healthy fruit can not be produced from a diseased tree. (Matthew 7:18 ESV) . That makes sense!
If my heart and mind are always gloomy, how can I treat people around me with kindness and respect? I could fake it for a while, but the truth is in the fruit!
Do you struggle with that Eyore mentality of negativity and find yourself constantly complaining, but you want to do something about it? Ask the Holy Spirit to do a work inside your heart, and be intentional, too.
If you start to feel a complaint rising up, squash it down and replace it with a solution or just plain silence. Sometimes quiet time allows for a moment of thanksgiving, which always seems to wash down unfavorable thoughts.
Let 2020 be a year of intentionality in which we choose to stay inspired and be open to the amazing possibilities around us. Choose to be a new you!