Over the years, I have experienced a hurt or two. During each experience, I cried and vented, but eventually I dismissed it. I’d tell myself that I was fine, that I forgave the person who hurt me, and I would leave the situation in God’s hands. The only thing is that as soon as I had an encounter with the person I felt hurt by, a whirlwind of negative emotions would overtake me. It’s almost as if I was reliving the entire experience and as if I never extended forgiveness.
For a while, I really didn’t think anything was wrong with this vicious cycle. I actually thought it was just a normal part of life … but it wasn’t. My husband tried to tell me that several times. I wouldn’t listen to him. I decided I knew better. After all, I’m a social worker. I know a problem when I see one. I know the value of seeking out help. And I decided I didn’t have a problem.
This continued for years until we met with a couple to pray for a need. I had hardly warmed up to the seat I was in when the Lord revealed to them that I had been harboring bitterness and unforgiveness. I knew the presence of God was there and that something life altering was about to happen.
My husband’s prayers had been heard: “… the eyes of those who see will not be blinded, and the ears of those who hear will listen attentively. The mind of those who act impulsively will discern the truth,” (Isaiah 32:3-4 AMP).
For the first time in my life, I began to see how hurt I was. I began to listen to how bitter I had become. I began to understand that unforgiveness was residing in my heart and spilling over in my relationships, especially in my marriage. I walked through healing and deliverance that day as I forgave aloud those who hurt me and I truly released them into God’s hands. I literally walked away feeling lighter and free … unlike I had known my entire life and I am so grateful.
If you care for someone who has been struggling to see God’s truth about themselves or a situation, I encourage you today to pray this Scripture over them. Believe that they will receive the revelation they need in God’s perfect time.
*Photo Credit: Unsplash