I recently came across some thoughts from Pastor Craig Groeschel that made me stop mid scroll. He wrote…
“Someone needs to be reminded to be careful not to wish away the season you once prayed for. You may be living in the middle of an answered prayer and not even realize it. For me, it’s easy to be focused on something in the future. ‘One day when…’ is a common way I’d start my sentences or think in my mind. Lots of ‘one days’ have come and gone. Now I’m trying to tell myself, ‘This is the day I’ve been dreaming about.’ Or, ‘This is the day that matters.’ I want to encourage you, rather than wishing for a figure day, try to embrace every day…” – Pastor Craig Groeschel.
Wow, this one hit me hard. I feel like I have been living for that “one day” since I was very young. I have always been looking forward to the “next” season and not enjoying that season whenever it came. And now, I’m nearing the age when my kids are getting older and will soon be starting their own lives independent of me. And yet, I still find myself thinking of “one day”.
Yesterday, as I was meditating on this thought, I stopped to appreciate all that I have in my life right now. I realized that I am living in the middle of many answered prayers, and not actively realizing it or thanking God for the season I’m in.
The voices of my children arguing about how to fairly split the last piece of cake, or who gets to sit in the front seat of the car on the next car ride should be music to my ears. But sometimes I’m just frustrated and annoyed and want them to just stop. But I know that I’m going to miss their arguing over silly things and look back at this time with such fond memories.
In the Bible, there are many scriptures reminding us to focus on today, rather than waiting for that “some day” in the future.
Psalms 118:24 “This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Matthew 6:34 “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today”
Psalms 90:12 “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.”
Psalms 46:10 “Be still, and know that I am God.”
As you and I reflect on these scriptures and the season we find ourselves in today, I pray that we can recognize all the answered prayers that we are living in right now, and enjoy this moment and our present circumstances. For this is truly the day that the Lord has made, and we should rejoice and be glad in it!