My son motioned goodbye to the guys from the gym. He managed to keep himself together…until the car door closed. That’s when he began to sob. He had fractured his leg and he was in excruciating pain- both physically and emotionally.
Just before heading to the ER, I called my sister. She began to pray for Caleb over the phone- and it wasn’t just a “heal his body” kind of prayer. She knew it was his senior year of high school, his last year to play school ball. She knew how much this season meant to him. And in the natural, it looked like his season had ended before it even began.
So with power in her voice and faith in her heart, she prayed.
‘Father, it’s Caleb’s senior year, Heal him completely. We even ask that he will be able to play basketball again, THIS SEASON!’
Now that was a BIG a prayer (and I’m not gonna lie, it seemed like a big stretch). Of course all that truly mattered was my son’s physical health…but his spirits sure perked up when his aunt dared to pray for more.
All of a sudden, it became a possibility.
Our late Pastor, Pastor Ricky, had always encouraged us to pray BIG prayers! “If it doesn’t happen, it won’t be because I didn’t ask,” he would say.
Ephesians 3:20 says, “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably MORE than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”
Is there something on your heart that seems like it would be a stretch to ask God for? Maybe a dream that seems absolutely IMPOSSIBLE?
I want to encourage you to dust those dreams off the shelf and begin to pray and talk to God about them. Our God is creative. His ways are far beyond what we could ask or imagine. What’s the worse that could happen? He says no. If so, it’s for a reason and I have to trust His plan. (Easier said than done, I know)
But what if He says YES?? What if it IS part of His plan- what if He is just waiting for us to ask- or maybe even ask again…and again.
Remember Jesus’ teaching about the friend who went to his neighbor’s house at midnight asking for bread.
“I tell you, even though he will not get up to provide for him because of his friendship, yet because of the man’s persistence, he will get up and give him as much as he needs.” (Luke 11:8)
After my sister (and a host of other warriors) prayed that night, Caleb still had a journey to walk through- a journey of pain, fever, doctor’s visits, x-rays, more pain and lots of physical therapy.
He missed about 6 games at the start of the season, but THIS weekend, he was able to play again. The coaches were wise and eased him in- but oh, how my heart rejoiced as I watched him make his first shot of THIS season.
I immediately thought about the BIG prayer my sister dared to pray that night.
Friends, we serve a big God. Let’s pray big prayers. What have we got to lose?