Recently I’ve been challenged with my time. Time is said to be more valuable than money. You can always make more money, but you can never add more hours to your life.
Most of the time, I am looking for a large stretch of time in which I think I need to tackle a big project. But when I can’t find those large chunks of time, my projects and even dreams get put on a shelf until I find the right time to start. But more often than not, that time never comes.
But what if I start looking at what I do have in terms of time, versus what I don’t have?
My Pastor says that we can do great and powerful things with small pockets of time. In those small chunks of 30 minutes here or 15 minutes there, we will find that there is a cumulative effect that brings about a result we didn’t think was possible.
I know for me, I find that the days that I know my schedule is packed and I don’t have a lot of margin, I get much more accomplished than on the days that my schedule is wide open. Why is that? Because I have to be much more intentional with my time on those busy days which means I don’t have time to waste.
So as you look at your dreams and what you have in front of you, can you find some pockets of time to work towards that goal? Do you want to write a book one day? How about setting aside 10 minutes to write one page? Or do you want to focus on your health? Can you find 10 minutes after dinner to take a walk, instead of plopping on the couch and scrolling online?
If we live with that kind of intentionality, there is no telling what we can accomplish. I know that for me, the books I want to finish reading, the new topics I want to learn about, or the people I want to reconnect with can actually happen.
I want to encourage you to not look at what you have lost in terms of what you could have accomplished with the time you lost. Today you have a choice to make about what you will do with the time you have in front of you. Don’t waste even more time looking behind in regret.
Make the most of the time in front of you and go out and make a difference…in your world or someone else’s.
“Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil.” (Ephesians 5:15-16, NIV)
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash