I stood in front of my computer at work and thanked God for what I saw.
Who would have thought the sight of a few packs of toilet paper on aisle 10 would make my heart so happy?
Like many of you, I have a new perspective on so many things now…including God’s provision throughout Scripture.
For example, Noah and his family had no other choice but to ’shelter in place’ for over 150 days in an ark. Thank God for the foresight He gave Noah to build an ark to take shelter in.
As for the children of Israel, I now see why God put a quantity limit on the amount of manna they were allowed to collect. God didn’t want them fighting for the last scraps of manna on the ground…and He certainly didn’t want them hoarding His provision. He wanted them to learn to trust Him with the little things, every day.
Then there’s the prophet Elijah…after a 3 year drought, God told Elijah relief was coming. So Elijah ‘bent down and put his face between his knees’ and prayed.
“Go and look toward the sea,” he told his servant. And he went up and looked. “There is nothing there,” he said. Seven times Elijah said, “Go back.” The seventh time the servant reported, “A cloud as small as a man’s hand is rising from the sea.” (1 Kings 18:43-44)
Elijah knew hope was on the horizon…and rain was on its way.
A few years ago, my husband’s parents were involved in a serious car accident. My father in law was on life support and we had no idea what the future held.
At that time, a friend encouraged us to thank God for every little victory. If dad’s ventilator settings were lowered- that was a win. Be thankful. If dad squeezed our hand. Another win. We learned the power of being thankful for the little things.
According to the news, we haven’t seen the worst of this COVID19 pandemic. The peak is yet to come.
It’s scary…all we can do is pray, wash our hands, follow the guidelines of our governing officials…and ask God to give us eyes to see His provision.
Whether it’s an ark to hang out in, the daily provision of manna, a few rolls of toilet paper on aisle 10 or a cloud the size of a man’s fist…I pray we see every single win.
There is hope on the horizon.