“A man with an experience of God is never at the mercy of a man with an argument.” This was quoted by Leonard Ravenhill, an author and evangelist from the 20th century.
But it could have been said by a young man over 2000 years ago.
This particular young man had an experience with God like few did at that point. He had been blind since birth, until Jesus came along and healed him. Instead of celebrating a miracle, the Pharisees were fixated on the fact that it was the Sabbath. Because that was all they could see, they accused Jesus of being a sinner.
The healed man’s response – “…Whether he is a sinner I do not know. One thing I do know, that though I was blind, now I see.” John 9:25
This guy didn’t know theology; in fact,he barely knew Jesus. He just knew what he had experienced.
I don’t get massages as often as I’d like but when I do, I have a massage therapist (Manda) whom I absolutely love. Not only is she my friend, but she also gives AMAZING massages. I’ve told other people about her and just recently, another friend tried her out – she loved her too.
I can tell people all day about the training that Manda has had but when I tell them about my experience and what she did for me…that seals the deal.
Time & time again, we see in scripture how God used people including a demon possessed man, a woman with relational struggles, and now this formerly blind young man…to share their stories and bring people to Him. All from different situations but all with the same experience – Jesus touched me.
Maybe there is someone around you who has heard about Jesus but doesn’t know Him as their friend & Savior. Let them see Him in you. Let them experience Him through you. Let them hear you talk about what He has done in your life. Then, hopefully their story will be like the blind man, yours and mine…“I was blind but now I see.”