If you’re like most people, reading the Bible more probably made it on your resolutions list. Again. Maybe you are one of those people who has the best of intentions on January 1 but by the time you see the word “begat” … you’re done. I understand. For many years, I was one of those people too.
If you are one of my fellow resolution makers and want to engage more with God’s Word this year, I’ve got a few tips for you:
1) SIGN UP FOR A PLAN – yes, I know it’s January 5th but that’s okay. Be realistic and find a plan that works for you (entire Bible, Old Testament, New Testament, one book of the Bible, etc.). YouVersion has tons of options!
2) STAY ACCOUNTABLE – tell your BFF, husband or the Starbucks barista what you are doing and have them keep you accountable. Or you could even join one of our YouVersion Bible reading groups (comment below if you want more info). I’m in a group and just knowing that I have an assigned reading to do and a group that I want to engage with really keeps me going.
3) SET YOURSELF UP TO WIN – would I love to wake up every morning and have my quiet time? YES! Does it happen? NO. My work schedule is not conducive to mornings with Jesus. So, sometimes it’s during my break, after work or in the evening. If you can do it at the same time every day, great! If not, don’t be afraid to use pockets of time. It’s better than not reading at all. Also, use technology to your benefit! Did you know that the Bible app has an audio feature? Have the cool British guy read to you! But if you’re doing this, stay focused. If you can’t remember the last thing he said, rewind. Don’t skimp on this – yes, you could mark it off your checklist but that isn’t the point. The only person missing out is you.
4) STICK TO IT – did you miss a day? or two or ten? Don’t give up – just pick back up where you left off. You can catch up or keep at the same pace. Regardless, don’t let the enemy condemn you about it. Be challenged to keep pursuing God.
This year, I will be reading through the entire Bible. It isn’t my first time and it won’t be my last. And here’s why: “Every part of Scripture is God-breathed and useful one way or another—showing us truth, exposing our rebellion, correcting our mistakes, training us to live God’s way. Through the Word we are put together and shaped up for the tasks God has for us. (2 Timothy 3:17 MSG)” I want that!!
I’ve also started a #throughthebible2021 series on Instagram (@anitha.t.abraham). I will periodically be posting a mini nugget/thought from the day’s assigned reading … like the one below. My prayer is that this will be just a little extra encouragement for your journey through the Bible.
Happy 2021! ~Anu