Lately I’ve been hearing the song “Thy Will” by Hillary Scott on the radio a lot. It’s a song about trying to trust God through the difficult things in life that do not make sense.
Hillary Scott said she wrote this song when she had gone through a miscarriage and she was in a dark and difficult place. The lyrics of the song are an honest cry to the Lord expressing pain and brokenness for what she had hoped for and lost. Yet she ultimately finds comfort by being still and resting in the truth that God is a good God, even though she can’t understand why she is going through this.
Hillary said in an interview that as she read Matthew 6:10, the words “Thy Will Be Done” in the Message version of the Bible read “Do What’s Best”. When I heard that I thought, wow, that is beautiful…yet so difficult to do.
As a human with limited knowledge, it is so hard to surrender to God to “do what is best” because we tend to think that it should mean that my life will be smooth and pain free. But allowing God to do what is best is usually never easy or comfortable. In my life, allowing God to do what is best has involved a lot of pain, tears, and chiseling that I never dreamed of. But the other side of that for me has been seeing how God is working all things out for my good. If you ask anyone who has gone through deep pain and disappointment and have surrendered that to the Lord, you will hear from most of them that while it was so hard and they wouldn’t want to go through that again, they would not change what they went through because it has shaped their faith and their character in a way that they never imagined.
I don’t know what kinds of deep hurt or pain you’ve experienced or are currently walking through, but I prayerfully ask that you surrender it to the Lord and trust that God is doing what is best in your life. And know that God is a good God and a good Father who loves you more than you ever know. ~ Vijoy