Today was my day off.
When you imagine having a day off, what do you see? A long, leisurely cup of coffee? A good workout? A nap? Watching a movie? Those are all delightful things. However, that is not at all what my day off looks like…
I usually have a list of things that I need to get done, in between school drop off/pick up, grocery shopping, laundry, going to see my parents, cooking, swim practice and basketball practice. It’s a whirlwind of activity in my house. The clock on my computer currently says 8:57 pm, and this is the first time all day that I have sat down in a seat that wasn’t in a car. (A few months ago, I met a woman who quit her job to ‘stay at home’, who remarked to me that she was still waiting for the ‘stay at home’ part.) I’m not complaining; this is life.
My daughter, who is 5, is my sidekick as I run through town like a mad woman. She is with me for all of it, making commentary the whole time. And I love that she is with me. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but on certain days (like today), I get a little restless. You see, she has no concept of time. Zero. The numbers on the clock are just that- numbers. They have no meaning to her. So, getting out the door is a chore. Getting into (or out of) the car is a pain. Finishing a task takes forever. Everything takes longer than I think it should, so it drives me absolutely crazy. She has to dance to the car; she can’t just walk in a straight line. When she gets in the car, she has to put her drink in first, fix her seat the way she likes it, and make sure that her ‘necessities’ are accessible before she puts on her seat belt. Meanwhile, I am burning rubber onto the main road, and my kid isn’t even strapped in yet! She wants to talk to people in the grocery store. Some days (like today), the inefficiency of it all aggravates me.
But today, I stopped and reminded myself that we only have a few Thursdays left together. She’ll start kindergarten in the fall, and I will be running my errands without her colorful conversation to enjoy. That’s it. No more. Once reality slapped me in the face, I didn’t mind her dawdling so much.
Having children has completely changed my relationship with my heavenly father. In my frustration this morning, God nudged me and taught me a lesson. Too often, I rush through my time with him. This morning, specifically, as I got up from having my prayer time, I knew that I should have stayed longer, but I rushed out, knowing that I had so much to do. As I went through my day and could feel my frustration growing, I told myself “You should have sat there longer this morning.” I know that my mood is better when I allow myself to pause and refresh in His presence.
What would happen if we lingered a little longer in His presence every day? What joy and peace would accompany me through my day!
It was a challenge to me… don’t rush what God is doing with you. Don’t rush what He’s trying to say to you. He wants to spend time with you. Give Him the space to do so.