The more I live life, the more I see that life is not easy.  My own life has been far from perfect.  I would never have imagined myself where I am today – both the good and the not so good.

But I realize that so many have a similar story. While theirs may not be the same trials, they have their own unique challenges and those are just as significant to them.

Yet, I have seen those in my circle face those situations with such grace and strength.  It hasn’t been easy.  But it has not been debilitating either.  I’ve seen them give themselves over to a good cry, question God, but no sooner wipe their tears and meet the challenge head on.

And watching people push through the hard times to get to the other side of it, or more often find themselves embracing their new normal has been nothing short of inspiring.  

You see, Jesus did not promise us an easy life.  In fact he was very clear…”In this world you will have trouble…” (John 16:33b)  

Of course it never should have been this way.  But after sin entered this world through Adam’s disobedience, unfortunately we all have to bear the consequences of that sin on this side of eternity.

But Jesus did not just leave us with that depressing news.  He ended that verse by saying  “But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33b)  

It is His power and strength that I see over and over in my life and in the lives of my friends and family.  His power helps me overcome.  

And throughout my life, despite the challenges, I can’t help but see the goodness of God through it all.  My faith has deepened, my life is filled with joy, and I am so grateful for His unwavering presence in my life.  In short He has been too good for me to not believe that He is real and  that He has a good plan for my life.

I don’t know what you are walking through right now, but I pray that you will lean into Him and the people God has placed in your life to help you through it.

I have no doubt that you too will overcome and experience the goodness of God in the process.


by vijoy
