Lately, there have been fewer employees at the stores I shop at. And what a time for it to be happening in the midst of the hustle and bustle of the holiday season!
In fact, while I was at my neighborhood grocery store last week, I noticed how none of the regular lanes were open. Surprisingly, only self-checkout was available.
I saw the friendly employee who was supervising the self-checkout and we began having a conversation. I asked her about work especially with how short-staffed they were.
The young lady looked at me and answered that it’s been hard. She went on to share how customers have been rude in their frustration with long lines and little help. The employee explained that she’s showing up and doing the best that she can, so it has been a challenge to be yelled at.
My heart just sank when I heard that.
I did my best to encourage her, thank her for her hard work, and remind her that she is appreciated.
The fact is that when we have long to-do lists and not enough time to get it all done, the last thing we want to encounter is an additional wait. But my prayer is that we would not forget the reason for this season: LOVE.
In Luke chapter 6, as Jesus was teaching the crowd, He instructed in verse 31: “Do to others as you would like them to do to you.” He went on to say in verse 36: “You must be compassionate, just as your Father is compassionate.”
So whether you’re out buying gifts or shopping for ingredients to bake treats, may this be a reminder for each of us. We know the impact when someone extends us a smile, waits patiently for us, or is kind towards us. Let’s do the same for others! May the love of our Father shine brightly through us this joyous season.
Photo Credit: Blake Wisz on Unsplash