As I look at this picture of my firstborn as a toddler, a flood of memories comes back. My greatest challenge as a parent in that season was navigating between dependence and independence. In my eyes, she was just a baby. Therefore, I felt inclined to do everything for her while she resolved that she was a big girl and determined to do everything herself.
I was overwhelmed with worrisome thoughts: What if she dropped something? What if she got hurt? What if she made a mess?
Then, the thought hit me: how would I even know if I didn’t let her try?
So I began to say yes to small tasks. I spent time with her and taught her how to do them herself. Over time, I realized her capabilities and I trusted her with bigger tasks. Before I knew it, she was doing all the things.
As I fast forward to the present – my firstborn is an adult who is currently on a road trip. A friend inquired how I’m able to be at peace as my girl and her bestie are driving hundreds of miles away from us. Despite my nervous laughter at first, my answer is that I trust her. We have spent the past two decades watching her grow, learn from mistakes, and make wise choices. Most importantly, she is in God’s hands and we know He is watching over her.
Trust transforms one’s life from anxiety and stress to peace.
Just earlier this week, my youngest daughter was feeling overwhelmed with her workload. She wasn’t sure how she would be able to complete it all. However, this morning her countenance was different. When I asked what changed, she shared that as she studied God’s Word every day it renewed her trust in Him. My daughter realized that He is with her and He will help her.
This Mama’s heart was quite grateful for such a revelation. Romans 12:2 NLT reminds us that the power of God’s presence can “… transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”
Reading God’s Word and spending time in prayer gives us wisdom, builds us up, and strengthens our trust in Him. It gives us the confidence that God is good and that He loves us.
“For the word of the LORD is right and true; He is faithful in all He does.” (Psalm 33:4)
Joyce Meyer stated, “Life is … peaceful when we come to God like little children and say, ‘When I don’t know what to do, I’ll trust You. When I don’t understand why, I’ll trust You. I’ll do my part and with Your help, and when I’m done, I’ll trust You to do the rest.’”
Dear Friend, my prayer is that the Lord would do a transformative work in each of our minds and hearts to trust Him wholeheartedly.