My technician and I still laugh about it today. The timing was crazy!
We were short handed and she needed the upcoming Saturday off.
All week long, I tried. I reached out to our team, but no one could cover her shift…and we still had no solid leads with the technician job posting that had been up for months.
I was disappointed, and that Friday afternoon, I told her the bad news. She was bummed, but she understood.
Within minutes (or maybe even seconds), a young man approached the counter needing a flu shot.
He and I stepped into our little immunization room and I gave him the shot. As he got up to leave, he commented, “If you ever need help on the weekends, just call me. I’m an intern at your other location & I could use the extra hours.”
“Really? ? How about tomorrow?” I asked.
“Sure, what time?” He answered.
I walked out of that immunization room, and gave my technician the good news. “You’re off tomorrow!”
She was thrilled and just as surprised as I was!
Girls, I can’t make this stuff up…and neither can our Bible!
In Genesis, just as Abraham lifted His hand to sacrifice His son, he noticed a ram in the thicket. (Genesis 22:13)
For forty years, the children of Israel ate manna from Heaven, but “ON THE DAY the manna ran out…they were able to eat the fruit of the land.” (Exodus 16:35)
Then there’s my favorite story…
In 1 Kings 17, there is a famine in the land. “There will be neither dew nor rain in the next few years except at my Word.”
God places his prophet, Elijah, near a brook. God orders a raven (the stingiest of birds) to feed him. THEN when the river dried up, God commanded a POOR WIDOW living in Zarephath to supply Elijah with food.
Stingy bird, poor widow- two very unlikely sources for provision.
Oh, but isn’t that how our God so often works! He wants to make sure we know- THIS has to be Him!
A ram in the thicket, a stingy bird, an intern needing a flu shot.
God’s sources of provision are limitless.
Whatever you are praying for today, rest assured, God owns it all and He is in control of it all. His answer isn’t always an immediate yes (or even a yes at all), but that’s okay-
We can trust Him. His timing, His creative provision, His ways.
My technician and I still laugh about it today, and I have a feeling…God chuckles too. ?