I am not good enough.
For most of my life, those are the five words I have repeatedly said.
I believed this to be true because I told myself:
I’m just a girl.
I’m not that smart.
Isn’t it amazing the lies one can believe based on circumstances?
When Moses spoke, he had a speech impediment. Therefore, he concluded he could not communicate well.
David was young and not super handsome. Therefore, his father decided he could not be an eligible candidate for king.
What God revealed to me is that when He looks at us, He doesn’t see labels, qualifications, titles, or limitations.
He sees us – His children.
He looks at our hearts – our willingness to be faithful to what He entrusts to us.
So when I went from providing therapy in an office to caring for my babies and then, teaching my children, God saw me.
When Moses went from a grand life in Egypt to living in the desert as a shepherd, God saw him.
In those years at home, God saw my faithfulness as I encouraged hearts through texts and visits.
In those years on the field, God saw David’s faithfulness as he tended the sheep and protected them.
When I felt inadequate, the Lord used my husband to cheer me on and support me to take on roles that the Lord was calling me into.
When Moses felt inadequate, the Lord brought his brother Aaron alongside him to speak for him when approaching Pharaoh.
In His time, the Lord used me to do countless amazing things, including coordinating a gala for a non-profit organization with a worthy cause.
The Lord used Moses to deliver the Israelites from bondage in Egypt.
The Lord used David to be king over Israel.
Dear Friend, if you struggle with these thoughts, here are some things I have learned:
- God is good and He loves you: “… may you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is. May you experience the love of Christ, though it is too great to understand fully.” (Ephesians 3:18)
- Ask yourself if what you’re believing is based on God’s Word and replace the lies with His truth: “… the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32)
- Surround yourself with godly people who will speak life into you and cheer you on: “Encourage one another and build each other up” (1 Thessalonians 5:11)
Photo Credit: The Stone Creative