My refrigerator has been having issues. The temperature is inconsistent and the water dispenser is glitchy. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. My husband has changed out the filter, called a repairman and Googled how to fix it- but no luck (first world problems, I know).
So…until we get the issue resolved (or get a new refrigerator), we’ve learned to live with it and live without it.
When the water dispenser works, my family gets excited and we fill our cups up to the brim. I actually go a little overboard and fill up all the empty pitchers I can find in my house! And every time I fill up those pitchers, I get a sense that God is trying to teach me something.
I think about the Old Testament widow whose story is found found in 2 Kings chapter 4. This woman finds herself in a desperate place, so she cries out to the prophet, Elisha. “Your servant, my husband is dead, and you know that he revered the Lord. But now his creditor is coming to take my two boys as his slaves.”
Elisha asks the woman one simple question.
“Tell me, what do you have in your house?”
The widow’s response is quite hopeless, ”NOTHING except a LITTLE oil.”
Elisha then asked her to “Go around and get jars from all your neighbors. Get empty jars, many of them…Pour the oil into all these jars, and set aside each one that is full.”
The widow did as she was told.
When the jars were full, she said to her son, “Bring me another jar.” And he said to her, “There is not one jar left.” Then the oil stopped flowing. She went and sold the oil. Not only was she able to pay off the creditors, she and her sons lived off of the rest!!!
Friends, there are MANY lessons to be learned from this story- lessons of obedience, courage, provision- but the one that struck me in this season of my life is-
It can be as simple and practical as being willing and ready to stay awake when my teenage son decides to open the floodgates of conversation late at night. Even if I’m tired, I will wake myself up and give him my undivided attention. It’s not every day that a teenage boy decides to open up! I better perk up and make the most of it.
Or if I’m reading my Bible, and God starts to give me a download & reveal things in Scripture- that’s NOT the time to check my notifications or my social media accounts. Rather, I need to grab a journal and a pen and start taking notes!
When the oil is flowing, I pray we don’t miss the momentum of the moment.
So grab your empty jars, your pitchers, your journal or even a cup of coffee…When the oil is flowing, be ready to receive it!
~ Binu