When our first child was about two years old, I thought I had this parenting thing down. Our son was obedient, orderly, you name it..he was it.
And then we had kid # 2.
He was cute, charming, well behaved (in public), but behind closed doors…let’s just say, we were worn out!
I remember my husband going up to the altar after church one day requesting prayer. He needed wisdom and a new parenting strategy.
I learned quickly, my first child’s exemplary behavior had little to do with me and my parenting skills.
God has a way of putting me in check. He wants His children to know where our help CONSISTENTLY comes from.
In the book of Joshua chapter 7, the Israelites were just coming off of an incredible victory over Jericho. Joshua sent men to spy out their next conquest. The region of Ai. The spies came back with a great report. “Not all the people will have to go up…for only a few men are there.” In other words, this is going to be an easy win.
Or not.
The Israelites were initially chased out of town with thirty six casualties, but once God took over and the sin in the camp was taken care of, the Israelites were victorious!
And then there was the Apostle Paul.
Remember his story?
He and anything he touched (even his handkerchiefs) could heal the sick, but when it came to his own issues, it wasn’t so easy. Three times he begged and pleaded with the Lord to remove the “thorn” in his flesh.
What did God say? My grace is sufficient. My power is made perfect in your weakness.
God allows us to understand our weaknesses so that we can sing and shout when we see the contrast of God’s strength at work in our lives.
In his letter to the church at Philippi, Paul writes, It is “not in your own strength, for it is God who is all the while effectually at work in you [energizing and creating in you the power and desire], both to will and to work for His good pleasure and satisfaction and delight.” (Philippians 2:13 AMPC)
So the next time you’re reminded of your less than great parenting skills, your talents (or lack thereof)…the next time your weaknesses seem to far outweigh your strengths….Be encouraged, you are in good company.
The mighty leader Joshua, the great Apostle Paul and even my darling second born son….all proved to be victorious!
God’s strength is made perfect (and shines brighter) through our weaknesses.
(Special thanks to my family, who kindly allow me to share our stories)