I must confess . Some Sundays are harder than others for me to truly enter into worship.
New or unfamiliar songs, crying babies, sitting under a strong air vent or in front of someone singing slightly off key…all cause me to lose focus.
And even if my external environment is “perfect,” life’s challenges (past or present) may also steer my heart from God focused worship and entering into “His courts with praise.”
But nothing can stop this little girl.
I learned a little about Eva when I met up for lunch with my friend, Liney Chacko. Liney had just returned from a recent trip to Southeast Asia.
Upon arrival to Indonesia, Liney visited one of the safe houses she and her husband established in 2015. These safe houses literally house children who are at risk or have already been sold into human trafficking.
Little Eva is 5 years old and because of hardship, was forced to go through the city garbage at 4am everyday to find things to sell. Her father had abandoned their family for gambling and alcohol. Eva’s mother used to sell alcohol, but went into debt. Soon after, she had a mental breakdown and is still in that state. Eva was a victim of child labor and they found her crying alone and dressed in dirty clothes that reeked. From the time she came to Selah House, Eva’s transformation has been evident. The video below was captured 2 weeks after she came “home” and met her Father God. The song she sings means, “Papa, I worship You.”
In a recent message on worship, Bill Johnson, pastor of Bethel Church, states, “His presence is the birthplace of breakthrough.” It’s where perspective, clarity and even joy is birthed.
He goes on to explain….
Let’s say you have been praying for an issue or conflict you are having with someone (maybe your child, a spouse or a coworker). During your time of worship (public or private), God may deposit an idea into your spirit as to how you can practically handle and deal with your difficult situation. You may think you are losing focus in worship, but you are not. God is speaking to you.
In Psalm 73, the psalmist was frustrated because it looked like everything the wicked did prospered and everything he did failed.
The chapter describes his frustrations. But then a shift (breakthrough) occurs in verse 17….as he entered into God’s presence.
“Then I went into your sanctuary, Oh God and I understood their final destiny…..how good it is to be near God…I will tell everyone about the wonderful things you do.”
So….There still may be unfamiliar songs, crying babies, someone singing slightly off key standing behind me, or even a strong air vent blowing in my direction.
It shouldn’t matter.
True worship involves pouring my heart out to God and allowing Him to pour His heart into mine.
May Eva’s worship inspire us all.
Click to watch: Eva’s worship
– Binu
(Please visit www.willyoureact.org for more information on this amazing ministry which transforms the lives of so many little ones just like Eva)