Quick witted. Sarcastic. Snarky. Smart aleck. I have been called all of these names and more. My words seem to get the best of me sometimes, especially when my filter is missing. This trait of mine made my first few years of marriage especially challenging. It’s not that I was always right (because I wasn’t), but
I really like these flowers. I love the lush, green vine dotted with the delicate flowers. I love the tall, stately, bright sun flowers that rest right below. I drive past them every day. They are my ‘adios’ every morning and my ‘welcome home’ every evening. If you look carefully at the photo, you’ll notice that the flowers
https://youtu.be/ejs0NQEhdnk Catchy tune, isn’t it? When my kids were in pre-school, they used to sing some variation of this song. It was an earworm that I would have for days. And just when I would get rid of it, one of them would start singing it again. Grrr… They had all kinds of songs like this-
Sometimes I feel like I live my life in cycles. The work/school week cycle. The cooking/grocery cycle. The laundry cycle. You’re familiar with these cycles right? It’s how I mark my days- that turn into weeks, that turn into months, and before I know it another year has gone by and I feel like all that
Our journey through the Bible this month has taken us through Judges and Ruth. I have to say that when I got through Judges and moved on to Ruth, I did breathe a sigh of relief. I was ready for a little lighter reading than that of Judges. I was ready to read into the
I have been called many names in my lifetime. Some good- sister, wife, mother, friend. Some not so good- brat (I have an older brother), antagonizer (by my brother), instigator (by my brother again- we really do love each other), arguer (brother or spouse, you pick). I have probably even been called a donkey in
Earlier this year, through an unfortunate series of events, I was named the coach of my son’s basketball team. Before we get all excited and talk about ‘girl power’, remember that I called it ‘unfortunate’. I know nothing about basketball. Correction, I know that the ball goes in the hoop. And as San Antonio Spurs
Do you know what it’s like to run on empty? The bed of this sermon is the story in Mark 5 of the demon possessed man who comes to Jesus. I started listening to it with one intention and and it transformed into a different animal for me. There were so many beautiful points that spoke
‘Tis the season for love. Valentine’s Day will be here soon. The day of the year filled with chocolates, flowers, cards. I have spent a few days reflecting on love- not necessarily in preparation for Valentine’s Day- more so as a way to sharpen myself. God’s love towards Adam. When God came to commune with Adam
As January draws to a close, so does our reading of Job and Genesis. I do have to admit that I enjoyed reading both books. I liked traversing back through Genesis and re-reading some of the stories that I remember from Sunday school, particularly the story of Abram. The friend of God. God calls him out
We were not in agreement. And that was okay. In any relationship, there will be a difference of thoughts and opinions. We won’t align every single time. But you know what I’ve learned the hard