I was recently watching the first episode of “The Chosen”, a series about Jesus and the lives of those who encountered Him.
One of the first characters that they focused on was Mary Magdalene. What we know about her from the Bible is that she was delivered from seven demons and became a devoted follower of Jesus.
“The Chosen” dives into who she was as a woman filled with demons and as a sinner who lived on the shady side of town. We see her being tormented by fear and demons, and the isolation and shame that she carries as a result of how society sees her.
The one thing she continues to remember from her childhood was a scripture that her Father would say to her when she was afraid. “Thus says the Lord, who created you, O Jacob. And He who formed you, O Israel; ‘Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.” (Isaiah 43:1, NKJV)
I have heard this verse many times in my life, and even memorized it for scripture competition at church growing up. But this verse took on a different meaning for me as I watched Mary Magdalene on the screen.
In her fear and torment, she would remember this scripture, but for years she still struggled with no hope.
Until she encounters Jesus.
Jesus calls her by name. He delivers her. He redeems her past. And her life is forever changed.
Do you struggle with feeling outcast, isolated, or wandering aimlessly through life?
There are times that I do. But the words of the Lord through the prophet Isaiah are so comforting.
The God of all of time and space created me.
He tells me not to fear.
He redeemed me.
He calls me by name.
And He tells me that I am His.
My friend today, I pray that you will find comfort in the words of the Lord today.
You too are not alone. Your creator has formed you for a purpose. He exchanged his son’s life to redeem you from death. You are not a nameless face in the crowd. He calls you by your name. And you are His very own.