Competition is in my blood.
My parents were both competitive students growing up and it got passed down to their children.
One of our favorite things to do in Sunday School was memory verse competition.
The student who recited the most number of verses won First Place.
The weeks leading to the big day were spent feverishly repeating verses over and over.
Game faces on (our Sunday school smiles), we would walk up to the mic and fire away.
While I didn’t get top prize every time, that was always my goal.
That’s one of the reasons I have memorized quite a few verses, even chapters of the Bible.
I am grateful for those days we competed- not necessarily because the certificate or the medal I was handed.
It’s because when I’m feeling fear creep in, I can say, “A thousand may fall at your side and ten thousand at your right hand, but it will not come near you.” (Psalm 91:7)
Or when I’m waiting to hear back from a job interview, I can stop twisting my hands together and say, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding….” (Proverbs 3:5)
In those moments, these are not just memorized verses. These serve as a calming medicine.
One thing I have learned over the years is that God does not ask that I memorize a hundred verses.
If i’m only doing it to receive a prize, it doesn’t mean much.
God desires a RELATIONSHIP with me.
In his book, The Daily Way, Dr. Michael Youssef says, “Many people make the mistake of wearing their spiritual maturity on their sleeves. But God is not impressed with how many Bible verses we know or how many Sunday school lessons we teach. In fact, nothing we do can impress God.”
What if I know verses, even CHAPTERS, and don’t have an intimate relationship with my Jesus?
What’s the point?
The Bible is LIVING. It should penetrate deep down in my soul and CHANGE the way I think and live.
It should bring me hope when I’m crying in helplessness, comfort when I’m grieving, and instruction when I’m in the wrong.
THAT’s the point.
If my husband and I live in the same home, but walk by each other without speaking- that would be awkward.
We have a relationship- so we should talk!
The Bible is a conversation- it is God speaking to His children.
Do you have a relationship with Jesus?
If you’re waking up to respond to an email or scrolling through photos, Jesus is not a priority.
He is waiting on you- don’t scroll past Him, don’t walk past your Bible.
I want to challenge you today: Did you talk to Jesus today? Did He talk to you today (Did you read your Bible)?
God loves you sooooo much!
He wants to talk to you and LISTEN to you. He wants to have a sweet connection.
Any relationship, like a marriage or a friendship, consists of listening and speaking, right?
Let’s do both today!
And the cherry on top: if you can memorize a promise today, that’s even better.
I guarantee you will need it soon!