• When I am about to embark on something new or momentous, I set out with great anticipation and excitement. Yet, I have found myself feeling like it has just been a fight to the finish line.  This summer, my family and I were able to enjoy a beautiful vacation. We were filled with excitement. The

  • At times, life can seem sour like a lemon. Am I right? Maybe you are in college, like my daughter, and thanks to the pandemic, most classes are meeting online and there is diminished face to face interactions. It’s depressing. Perhaps you’re planning your wedding day and you realize you can’t invite the number of

  • Dear Friend, Has it been one of those days, weeks or months for you? Perhaps you are hurt and feeling broken. Maybe you are devastated by life-altering news. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed, isn’t it? It’s even more challenging when you think that no one cares or understands. With darkness and despair all around you,