• Today is #girldad day in honor of Kobe Bryant and his daughter, Gianna. It has been sweet to see all the pictures of dads with their girls. My sister and I are blessed with a great dad. He taught us to read the Bible and pray everyday. He worked hard and instilled in us the

  • I remember when my children were infants, there were moments they seemed inconsolable. Whether they were in physical pain or something had upset them, the tears flowed incessantly and their cries were excruciatingly loud. Such moments were heart breaking. That is, until their Daddy said their name, gently stroked their head or cradled them in

  • I am not a parent but I am pretty sure I wouldn’t be a very good one. And that has nothing to do with the fact that I gave my nephews extra dessert or that they stayed up until 2 a.m. when they were at my house. (At this point, you are probably agreeing with