Just yesterday while my youngest daughter and I were in the car, she had been talking about her experiences with pulling out her teeth. Then, she shared an observation she had made. My daughter said that hours after the tooth had been pulled out, she could still spot a remnant of blood in that area […]
I have been taking a stroll down memory lane again … as you can see from the photo :) This time I stopped at the very first tragedy my husband and I ever experienced in our marriage. I remember how our hearts were broken and we grieved immensely. The pain seemed to be more than […]
I remember when my children were infants, there were moments they seemed inconsolable. Whether they were in physical pain or something had upset them, the tears flowed incessantly and their cries were excruciatingly loud. Such moments were heart breaking. That is, until their Daddy said their name, gently stroked their head or cradled them in […]
10 years ago when my daughter was born via c-section, it was the first time I had ever experienced major surgery. During the surgery, although I was awake, the medicine they gave me left me completely numb so that I didn’t feel any pain. My daughter was born on an evening, and the following morning […]
Make Him Known
It was the first day of his sophomore year of college. My son was enrolled in BIOL1322. It was a small class, so the professor asked everyone to go around and give a quick introduction