• Which would you rather deal with: a whale or a worm?  If you’re like me, you may have just yelled (at least in your mind) a resounding, “NEITHER!”.  But play along with me for a minute because I promise I am going somewhere with this. If I absolutely had to choose, I would go with the

  • My husband HATES it when we match. Hate is such a strong word…so maybe I should say: strongly-dislikes-it-and-will-go-change-when-it-accidentally-happens. Don’t believe me? In this picture, he didn’t have time to change. Look at that face. I don’t know what it is. Maybe something happened in childhood that scarred him? Oh wait.  Maybe I’m actually thinking of my

  • You may call this a mid-life crisis.  You may think it’s weird.  Or maybe a combination of both… and you may be right. This month, I turn 45.  Yes, 45. The good news is that my grandmother lived to be 92, so if that is any indicator, I’m still not even at the halfway point