• Can I be real with you?  Today has not gone as planned … at all. We had a delayed start in our day and missed our morning devotion together. Then, we received news we didn’t care to hear. There were sour faces, foul attitudes, and hard conversations to navigate through … all before noon! Honestly,

  • While chatting with my friend this morning, I mentioned how my oldest daughter has learned to roll with it since she was just a toddler. There were times when a celebration was canceled because of hospitalizations or when we had to decline to go to an event because it was in the middle of the

  • Although it was a while ago, I can still recall the excitement that was building up for senior year between photos, prom, the class trip, and graduation. I think we can all agree that those momentous occasions were the culmination of all the years spent in school between studying, writing papers, and takings loads of

  • Just wanted to share this verse that has been rolling around in my spirit for the last 24 hours. I know that I’m not the only one who needs to hear this today… “And we know that God causes everything to work together[ for the good of those who love God and are called according

  • A few years ago, I was shocked to discover that I had failed a major exam that I had spent months studying for. As I sat in front of the computer that displayed my result, I felt absolutely devastated. I knew I needed to retake it and didn’t know how I could study for it