• I was 16 years old when I had the opportunity to shadow a highly intelligent young physician.  He had a big smile and was kind. Watching from the corner of the exam room, I saw how well he interacted with the young child on the table. The mother of the patient sat across the room, […]

  • Dirty diapers. Frequent feedings. Sleepless nights. When preparing for parenthood, does anyone mention how exhausting it is? I honestly felt as if I was a walking zombie during those times while lugging around half of my house in a diaper bag to appointments and shopping. When covered in spit up and listening to incessant crying, my weariness […]

  • We have been training our three year- old son to sleep in his own bed. Over time, he has gotten used to snuggling in our bed, so we decided it was time to make a change. This is no easy task. There are nights he cries and sneaks back into our room. Out of sheer […]