• When I was a newlywed, I quickly discovered how different my husband and I were about tackling household tasks. We each had our own style of folding laundry. We had different definitions of what tidy looks like. My thought was, “I’ll just do it all by myself!” However, the Lord humbled me and showed me

  • When I said “I do” 23 years ago to my husband, I literally expected to live happily ever after. In fact, the intro of our wedding video features clips from an animated fairy tale. I know, I was young and naive. The truth is, it didn’t take long to realize that there are challenges to

  • Let’s be honest.  The Bible isn’t always easy to read.   I’m not even talking about the challenging doctrinal passages. I’m referring to the verses we can understand but aren’t quite sure why they are there. Things like … The details of the tabernacle.  ALL 613 commandments in the Old Testament.  And of course, the begats.