• Have you ever waited for something so long that you concluded maybe God just forgot about your prayer? My son was ready to get behind the wheel and hit the open road when he was 15 years old. But that was during 2020 … ‘nuff said, right? By the time the world resumed normal activity,

  • Waiting.   It can feel like the worst.  Just yesterday, I happened to pick the “slow” lane at the grocery store.  As most of you probably do, I try my best to anticipate which will go the fastest.  By all accounts, I had picked the right one.  But it wasn’t so.  I could feel myself getting

  • As I walked through the hallway at work, a couple of people seemed to sense me fast approaching.  They stepped aside and said “You look like you are in a hurry so we’ll get out of your way”. I quickly but honestly said with a smile , “Oh, I always look like that!”  I immediately

  • This past Saturday, we had the opportunity to join IPC Hebron Houston and Ladies of Love for a one-day women’s event.  The theme was based on Luke 1:45 – “Blessed is she who has believed that the Lord would fulfill His promises to her.” We spent time in worship, the Word and then got crafty!

  • She wanted hand sanitizer.  (Click on the picture to see the video.) My niece, Sophia, had seen her parents use it at home and now she wanted it too. When my brother-in-law, Sam, wouldn’t give it to her, she proceeded to try to get it herself. She isn’t tall enough to reach the counter but that

  • For 5 years, I worked as a nurse in a neonatal intensive care unit.  Most of the babies I took care of were born prematurely. When we think of a few months over the course of our lives, it doesn’t seem like much.  But to a child in the womb, that time is crucial. Even

  • Something really cool happened this past week – something I had been hoping for, dreaming of and praying about…for years. And then it happened again.* I was blown away. What was God up to? I traced back my steps. Surely I had done something to finally cause this to happen? Or did I say something

  • Is there a need you have been praying about for a LONG time? Maybe there are days you feel as if you may not receive the answer any day soon. Perhaps all of the waiting is choking any hope you have left. I think that’s what my husband may have felt like in the early years