Do you ever doubt that God is who He says He is and that His word is true?
I do.
And often.
I also believe this is the number one strategy of the enemy. He whispers in our ear trying his best to get us to doubt our creator.
He even tried this on Jesus
In the gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke, we find the story of Jesus being led into the wilderness by the devil.
He tried to use God’s very own word against Jesus.
But Jesus was prepared and was able to defeat him.
The devil’s tactics haven’t changed since the Garden of Eden. He succeeded at getting Eve to doubt what God had told her.
And today he’s still playing the same game.
He tries to twist what God says in order to bring doubt in our hearts and minds of who God is and what He is really saying to us.
If God is good, why is there war and poverty, and death and disease?
If God’s word is filled with promises, why does it sometimes seem to not work for me?
I have lived long enough to have seen many highs and many lows in my walk of faith. And through all of it, I can confidently say that God’s ways are higher and better than mine.
Even through the pain, God shows me that He is still a good and loving Father.
Is the enemy whispering doubt in your ear today? Fill yourself up with the word of God and with the help of God through prayer, you can shut out the doubt.
And because our saviour Jesus defeated the enemy, know that you can defeat him too.
~ Vijoy
Photo by Steve Halama on Unsplash