Years ago (twenty three to be exact), I gave birth to my firstborn! The ‘oohs and ahhs’ of pregnancy didn’t prepare me for the first few weeks of motherhood. The recovery from surgery, the sleepless nights, the feedings, the zombie mode… all blessings, but definitely an adjustment. Since we weren’t planning on “officially leaving” the
It was the first day of his sophomore year of college. My son was enrolled in BIOL1322. It was a small class, so the professor asked everyone to go around and give a quick introduction of themselves. State your name, where you’re from and a fact about yourself. And that’s what he did. “My name
Four years ago, in the height of Covid, masks and social distancing, my son left for college. We weren’t sure what the next four years would hold. He wasn’t sure either. Would he make friends? Good friends? I mean the right kind of friends? And in a world where everyone is either staring down at
My sister and I made a few adjustments to our schedules, got the green light from our husbands and off we went. A four and a half hour road trip to Houston to encourage our friend, Shyni. Her father (I call him Uncle) had been in the hospital and our friend was going through a
The photo you see wasn’t planned or staged. In fact, my husband’s parents didn’t realize I was even taking a picture. They were staying with us the week of Thanksgiving, and when I walked out of my bedroom each morning, THIS is what I saw. A team huddle. I am not an athlete. Never have
We were at my sister’s house. It was time for our annual extended family holiday get together! Lots of family, lots of food and lots of fun!! My son was playing the piano located near the entryway of their home, and a few of us were gathered around, enjoying the music, waiting for guests to
✨God hates divorce, but He doesn’t hate you.✨ In this episode of Men & Marriage- we discuss several heartbreaking and heavy topics surrounding marriage. Extra marital affairs- when the grass looks greener on the other side. Abuse- Is it me? Maybe I trigger him? Finances- #1 reason for divorce. Divorce- Is there life after the
The honeymoon is over. You and your spouse have started living life together as one!! 👰🏽♀️🤵🏽♂️ Exciting times! You’re buying your first house, expecting your first child. Everything is great…until it’s NOT! It seems EVERYONE has an opinion about EVERYTHING! What do you do with all of this unsolicited advice? 😳 In this third episode
You’ve got the guy…now it’s time to plan the wedding!! Before you turn into Bridezilla, keep in mind, you’ve waited your whole life for this! He’s the one you’ve been praying for! So take a deep breath and ask God to help you keep things in perspective. It’s one day…and it’s going to be a
I talk to my sister at least twice a day (if you ask our husbands, they’d probably say it’s more like 5 times a day)…but I think you get my point. Our conversations aren’t usually long…but they are frequent. “Whatcha doin?” “How’s it goin?” “Anything new?” (even if we just talked 3 hours ago) We
Carriers of His Presence
Now that the wrapping paper has been picked up and the dishes have all been washed, I have had a moment to pause and reflect on the memories created this Christmas season. Our families are