• The very first field placement I had as a social work student was visiting homes of lower-income families with 2 and 3-year-old children. Each week I brought a book or toy and modeled for the family how to interact with their children. The goal was to help families engage and enhance vocabulary skills needed to […]

  • While chatting with my friend this morning, I mentioned how my oldest daughter has learned to roll with it since she was just a toddler. There were times when a celebration was canceled because of hospitalizations or when we had to decline to go to an event because it was in the middle of the […]

  • It’s a week full of excitement at our house this week. We had loads of fun celebrating my husband yesterday for Father’s Day. Tomorrow, it’s my son’s birthday, and to round it off, my daughter’s long-awaited graduation is this weekend. With all this activity, I’ve actually found myself wondering where did the time go? I […]

  • When my husband was a newborn, the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck. It had been so tightly wound that he came out blue. It was a frightening moment for everyone in the room, to say the least. But the staff moved expeditiously to unwrap the cord and slowly, but surely, my husband’s voice […]

  • With all that is going on in our nation, the question many of us find ourselves asking is: WHAT CAN I DO? While contemplating such, I have been feeling overwhelmed and powerless. After all, what can someone like me possibly do to change years of injustice from racism? However, I recognized that was the voice […]

  • Although it was a while ago, I can still recall the excitement that was building up for senior year between photos, prom, the class trip, and graduation. I think we can all agree that those momentous occasions were the culmination of all the years spent in school between studying, writing papers, and takings loads of […]

  • It’s hard to believe that we commemorated my oldest daughter’s LAST day of school last week. What a whirlwind of emotions! I had a flashback of our move to Texas 15 years ago. With my desire to be a stay at home mom becoming a reality, I quickly came up with a plan. Amidst boxes, […]

  • Working from home. Homeschooling. Unchartered territory for many. Yet, it’s the new norm for most at this present time. Having navigated through these waters for the past 15 years, the following are some lessons we have learned along the way which I hope you will find helpful: TAKE A DEEP BREATH None of us could […]

  • Lately, it seems like the list of needs I am interceding for has grown … a lot.  People around me are in difficult circumstances and my heart has been feeling heavy for each of them. Slowly, discouragement and defeat began to move in and take residence in my mind. I began to wonder if my […]

  • For most of my life, I have associated death with those who are elderly and have lived a long, full life. Lately, that association has lost its relevance as many that I know who have passed away were quite young. In my perspective, they seemed to have the rest of their lives ahead of them. […]