While attending my nephews’ basketball games over the past 10 years, I’ve noticed an interesting predicament that happens. There are a lot of voices to listen to. The cheerleaders, the parents, fellow teammates and of course, the coach. One dad is yelling “Go to the basket” while a teammate is saying, “Pass me the ball!”. The
How do you feel when someone corrects you? Really, how do you feel? I’d like to think I’m one of those people that can just take it like a (wo)man and roll with it. But the fact that I feel myself getting hot and my heart rate climbing, ever so slightly, indicates that is probably
Dear Graduate, Congratulations :-). High school is done…and now you are about to enter a really great time of your life. Talk to the older folks like me and they will tell you…College was some of the best years of our lives. It was a lot of fun and tons of great memories. But I
There are parts of my life where I look back and think, “I wish I had done differently. I didn’t know. If only someone had told me.” For example, when I was a newlywed, I naively expected wedded bliss. Imagine my surprise when our first Thanksgiving came and my husband and I couldn’t decide whose family
Carriers of His Presence
Now that the wrapping paper has been picked up and the dishes have all been washed, I have had a moment to pause and reflect on the memories created this Christmas season. Our families are