• While attending my nephews’ basketball games over the past 10 years, I’ve noticed an interesting predicament that happens. There are a lot of voices to listen to.  The cheerleaders, the parents, fellow teammates and of course, the coach. One dad is yelling “Go to the basket” while a teammate is saying, “Pass me the ball!”.  The

  • How do you feel when someone corrects you?  Really, how do you feel? I’d like to think I’m one of those people that can just take it like a (wo)man and roll with it.  But the fact that I feel myself getting hot and my heart rate climbing, ever so slightly, indicates that is probably

  • Dear Graduate, Congratulations :-). High school is done…and now you are about to enter a really great time of your life.  Talk to the older folks like me and they will tell you…College was some of the best years of our lives.  It was a lot of fun and tons of great memories. But I

  • There are parts of my life where I look back and think, “I wish I had done differently.  I didn’t know.  If only someone had told me.” For example, when I was a newlywed, I naively expected wedded bliss.  Imagine my surprise when our first Thanksgiving came and my husband and I couldn’t decide whose family