• After experiencing 2020 & 2021, I had high hopes for 2022.  Surely, it could only get better, right?  It actually started out pretty good. My mask was getting a little dusty on the bottom of my purse from lack of usage. I completed a training program at a local church. After dealing with some health

  • One of my son’s first Biology experiments this school year is to plant seeds and observe its growth. He has been diligent to follow the instructions of putting the soil in the cup, planting the seeds, placing it in sunlight, and watering it regularly.  Initially, when my son checked on it daily, he noticed that

  • Every time I even think that I may finally understand what parenting entails, a challenge arises that leaves me unraveled. Wise friends advised that we read “Raising Giant Killers” by Bill Johnson. I picked it up hoping to find strategies on how to deal with my children. I am three chapters deep and you know

  • For 5 years, I worked as a nurse in a neonatal intensive care unit.  Most of the babies I took care of were born prematurely. When we think of a few months over the course of our lives, it doesn’t seem like much.  But to a child in the womb, that time is crucial. Even

  • As we get older, we get wiser. For example, I’ve learned that I need a day off after the spring time change. Can I get a witness? Every year, it’s the same thing: spring forward an hour, be cranky the rest of the week.  Apparently, it was started to help the farmers out. All I know is

  • Were you ever the new kid at school? It’s hard enough getting adjusted to new kids, teachers and classes…but when it really hits…is lunch time.   WHO DO I SIT WITH?? Now that I’ve traumatized you with a middle school flashback, fast forward with me to a couple of months ago. Our department at work

  • You may call this a mid-life crisis.  You may think it’s weird.  Or maybe a combination of both… and you may be right. This month, I turn 45.  Yes, 45. The good news is that my grandmother lived to be 92, so if that is any indicator, I’m still not even at the halfway point