Dear Friend, Has it been one of those days, weeks or months for you? Perhaps you are hurt and feeling broken. Maybe you are devastated by life-altering news. It’s hard not to feel overwhelmed, isn’t it? It’s even more challenging when you think that no one cares or understands. With darkness and despair all around you,
Over the years, I have experienced a hurt or two. During each experience, I cried and vented, but eventually I dismissed it. I’d tell myself that I was fine, that I forgave the person who hurt me, and I would leave the situation in God’s hands. The only thing is that as soon as I
Do you find yourself making decisions based on the past? With Thanksgiving and Christmas being my favorite times of the year, I love to host large groups of people at my home. In fact, it’s a tradition my husband and I began 17 years ago when we were just newlyweds. Decorating, cooking, and organizing gift
Carriers of His Presence
Now that the wrapping paper has been picked up and the dishes have all been washed, I have had a moment to pause and reflect on the memories created this Christmas season. Our families are