• Roses. Chocolates. Teddy bears. It’s that time of year when love is in the air and you can just feel it everywhere! But let’s face it. Sometimes, we find ourselves resenting this day if we haven’t met the man of our dreams yet or if we just feel pressure to spend a lot of money

  • Yesterday we were invited to the celebration of new love at a sweet engagement party.  Then, we had the honor of celebrating seasoned love at a beautiful 50th anniversary party. These events helped my husband and I recall our own early days with fondness and we were inspired to look at the years ahead with

  • Have you ever heard the jingle: “Like a good neighbor, State Farm is there”? It conjures up the image in our mind that what makes a neighbor good is that they are caring and available to you. Recently, while a few of us went to lunch, we all entered through the same door of the

  • “You know a lot of people!” My kids frequently say this to my husband and I, especially when visiting with family and friends. When we explain how we know each person, as well as the significance of their presence in our lives, a common theme resounds: fellowship. Rick Warren says, “Fellowship is living in God’s

  • “Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so…”   This is not just a cute Sunday school song.  In fact, I’ll probably never listen to that song again without understanding the impact of what it really means. You see, for the first time in my life, I’m reading through the entire

  • Last week, Binu wrote a great post about dealing with moody, angry and just plain foolish people.  It’s something we can all relate to. But what if the tables are turned?  What if we are THAT moody person? We may not have been thinking of ourselves as we read it but what if someone else

  • Words are pretty powerful, aren’t they? When my oldest daughter was three years old, I was struggling with how to address her behavior. One could often hear me saying, “First, the terrible two’s. Now, the terror three’s. I don’t know what to do!!” I had heard about a parenting class and I jumped at the

  • During the decade prior to our move to Texas, my husband sang and led praise and worship in our church and also, with the band he was a part of. He was passionate about using this gift and he used it well. Our daughter Kayla was born at the tail end of that period and while

  • I had the privilege of visiting Ellis Island last week and it amazed me to hear about immigrants’ experiences in their journey to the United States. It caused me to reflect on my own parents’ stories, especially about both my father and my husband’s father. Each one left their native Kerala as a young man

  • Yesterday I was blessed to receive bright pink roses. They were beautiful and breathtaking. However, I had not gone home immediately after receiving them. In fact, the flowers had to sit in my warm car for a few hours until the celebrations of the day finally drew to a close. By the time we arrived