• When planning for our visit to the Rocky Mountains in Colorado, I was filled with excitement and I just could NOT wait to get there! However, travel tips indicated that there was some preparation involved. In order to avoid altitude sickness, many advised to drink more water than usual. Here’s a “fun” fact about me

  •   We had just sat down for family prayer when out of the mouth of my thirteen year old came these words, “Mama, You are so lucky. We all have issues. I’ve got eczema, Josh has feet issues (don’t ask) and Daddy has a cough, but you don’t have anything…You are so lucky.” For the record,

  • I love to glean from the wisdom of the aged. So today, while visiting my parents, I asked my 92 year old grandmother (I call her Ammachi), if she had a word of encouragement for our Whispers & Fringes Readers. She requested her Bible, and with the help of my translator (and husband), she shared