• Ever since my kids were babies, every night when I tuck them in, I repeat the same phrase. “Mama loves you, dada loves you, and Jesus loves you.  He has a plan and purpose for your life.” I know it seems juvenile, but I wanted them to hear that they were loved and that their […]

  • When I was first getting to know my husband, we would have long conversations over meals.  Our intention from the beginning was marriage, so there was no question on where we stood. I wasn’t trying to interview him, but since we were on the road to making a commitment, there were deep questions I needed […]

  • My son is fascinated with trains. Fortunately for him, there is a passenger train track in front of his school, so he gets the experience of watching it pass several times a day. It’s not enough that the train passes, though. He also closely monitors the railroad crossing sign as it slowly pulls up and […]

  • There was a small closet in the narrow hallway of my house when I was a young girl.  The hallway led to the living room from the bedroom that I shared with my sister. You would open the closet at your own risk because you never know what could fall out.  Sheets were stuffed into […]

  • “Mom, how did you do it?  Raising four kids with no guidebook to tell you what to do?” I was sitting at the kitchen table, and my mom and I were having some special time together.  I was in my early 20’s.  I was about to graduate from college…that time in your life when you […]