• I was recently looking for a job. With a blank canvas in front of me, I wasn’t sure which direction to take. I spoke to God about it, and I asked Him, “Where do you want me?” After combing though a few websites, I came upon one opportunity that seemed like a pipe dream, but

  • Impossible. Unlikely. Not looking good. Have you heard those words? It’s scary. You know what, though? Impossible has never stopped my God. “But since when has impossibleEver stopped You…” Are you walking through something scary today? Do you need healing? Do you need dry bones to be restored? “My God is able to save and

  • Our children desperately want a dog. They have a name ready, they know where he will sleep, and where he will sit in the car. They are imagining that I will bring him home one day after work and that their neighborhood friends will love him. I hear about this dog almost daily. They promise

  • Our second date was at Lakewood Church for their Wednesday night worship service. Somehow, early on, he knew the way to my heart. Having grown up going to church every week, I couldn’t say no when he invited me. But, he wasn’t asking me there to impress me. He was being intentional. In this season

  • “I can’t” is a phrase we discourage our kids from saying. We want them to problem solve as much as possible, then ask for help, if needed. It’s funny, but recently I had one of those “I can’t” moments myself. I was feeling overwhelmed, discouraged, and like a balloon about to bust. I wish I

  • I had a special request for my husband when we first started getting to know each other: Please don’t say “I love you” until you are ready to make a commitment and propose. Love was sacred to me, and I needed some assurance that he was willing to make sacrifices and be devoted to me

  • I.can’t.dance. Just ask my sister, who can “feel the rhythm” and dances flawlessly while having a blast doing it…and while I watch from the sidelines. Ask my friend, who graciously asked me to join her in a choreographed Indian dance years ago and realized how robotic my legs were. While I appreciate the beauty of

  • “I think we’re more different than we are alike…” I brushed off my husband’s comment. I admit that I felt a bit hurt… but the more I thought about it, I realized he was right. I can sit through a Hallmark movie marathon, he prefers anything involving the Mafia. I like chicken, he likes steak.

  • Earlier this week, I spent two entire days on the playground with my children. Like a 9-5 job, we were out there all. day. long. My sister and her family were visiting this week during Spring Break, so we trekked out there with our water bottles, snacks, wet wipes, and sunscreen and parked ourselves on

  • “Well… what do you think?” I was in my early twenties and in the living room with my dad. I had just gotten back from the hair salon, and I was excited about the style I chose. “Uh…”, Dad said with a pause and a controlled smile, “it’s a little too short.”  I figured that