I went up for every altar call, called every 1-800 prayer line, I fasted, I prayed. I needed a breakthrough. It’s funny how committed I can be when I’m desperately in need of God to act on my behalf. And then there are times when life is good and I can barely make it to
Your struggle is not against flesh and blood. Yes, I’m talking to you. If it weighs you down. If it causes anxiety in your heart. If you’re losing sleep over it. It’s not about flesh & blood. If it causes division. If it’s tearing apart your church, your family or you. It’s not about flesh
In Titus 2:5, Paul encourages older women (that’s me) to teach younger women (that might be you) how to ‘stay busy’ or, as some translations put it, ‘maintain a home’…and girls, part of maintaining a home might involve a little cooking. So, if you are looking for an easy South Indian beef curry/ beef fry
I don’t know whose heart was beating faster. Mine or my sons. These games can really stress a mama out! We were up, they were up. We were giving it our all, but so were they…and now the opposing team was up by a pretty large margin. My son glanced into the stands. He knew
I think I was 8. My sister and I were about to play outside when my mom warned us, “Billy Graham will be on at 7pm.” Ugh…I knew what that meant. We can’t stay out too long. We’ll need to finish our homework, shower and eat dinner early…because at 7pm, WE were watching the nationally
It was September 19, 2016. I am a planner, and my plan for the day was to take our youngest son to the doctor. He had a small cyst on the back of his neck which needed to be removed (thankfully, it was nothing too serious). My husband had rescheduled his morning work meetings &
When our church doors reopened late last summer, my family couldn’t get inside fast enough. We knew things would be different…We’d wear masks, sit every other row, the water fountains would be shut off. There would be no more coffee in the lobby, no handshakes, and no hugs….but that’s okay. We were THRILLED to be
You’ve been invited to a small, socially distanced holiday gathering, and you don’t want to go empty handed. Perhaps you’re like me & you are NOT much of a baker BUT you’re just not feeling a store bought dessert. Girl, have I got an idea for you! ? We call it “toffee snacks” at my
When I was sixteen, I walked out of my local DMV office, feeling quite defeated and embarrassed. I failed my drivers test. I don’t remember much about the test or what all I missed (probably parallel parking)…but I DO remember what my mom said when I told her that I failed. ‘That’s okay. The next
It’s been four years, but I still remember the song the worship team was playing as I walked into church that particular Sunday. I’ll be honest, I might have been mouthing the words, but my heart was having a hard time believing what I was singing. “Our God is the Lion, the Lion of Judah,
The Little Ducklings
My neighborhood is an entire ecosystem. Behind our house, there is a farm with cows and a donkey. There is a pond on the farm that is home to some ducks. On the street behind