• It usually happens about once every six months. This time it happened twice in one week. I got a text, I read an email, someone said something (or didn’t say something)…and like an unexpected kick in the gut, I immediately felt disqualified and unworthy. “What am I even doing here? I am so unqualified!” I

  • It was 11pm, my husband was out of town and my home security alarm began to sound. It wasn’t the random chirp of a low battery, it was the steady beep you hear just before the heart racing sound of a full blown siren. I quickly jumped out of bed and silenced the alarm. “Did

  • Attending a basketball game may not seem very spiritual…but it can be. Last week, our church’s youth director (we call him, Pastor Luis) came out to my boys’ high school basketball game.  He didn’t pray at the end or even share a quick ‘Thought for the day.’ He came, did the cool hand shake thing

  • “Listen to me you fat cows…” It certainly wasn’t the pick me up I had in mind for my morning devotional, but it‘s where my Old Testament Bible reading plan took me.  Those seemingly insensitive words came out of the mouth of the Old Testament prophet Amos…but originated from the heart of God. Ouch! What

  • My entire pharmacy career has been within the walls of a grocery store…and girl, it sure has its perks. 24/7 access to sushi, Starbucks, and warm chocolate chip cookies. Not to mention a ginormous chip aisle and plenty of produce! My mid-shift snack options are endless!  Plus, I don’t need to make an extra stop

  • It’s been a weird month. A few weeks ago, I got a phone call from my husband. He was at the car dealership taking care of a recall…and he just so happened to run into someone we hadn’t seen in twenty years! The pastor who conducted our wedding! (He was also my youth pastor in

  • Reading through the Bible in a year always seems like a great idea…but a few weeks into the New Year, the glamour and excitement of it all begins to fade. And once I get to Book #3 out of 66, I start to wonder, what have I gotten myself into. There is something so intimidating

  • Oh, the woes of autocorrect! My cousin and I were finalizing plans to meet up. My phone ding’d. I had just texted him so I was expecting his response…but I surely wasn’t expecting THIS response. What in the world? I read it again. And then again. The sentence made sense…I guess. But was that four

  • My younger son does a lot of things well, but if there’s one thing he does extremely well, it’s his ability to ask… and keep on asking. Since he was young, persistence has been his strength. And he knows just who to ask. His daddy. “Daddy, can we go get donuts?” “Daddy, can you play

  • My friend’s fifteen year old daughter greeted us at the door. Her warm smile took me back. Wow! Talk about a mirror image of her mom. When did this happen? As I walked into her house, it only took a second for me to notice my friend’s eclectic style was still everywhere. The wall color,